Escorts in Sutton Coldfield


Name: Katydefaux
Age: 48
City: Sutton Coldfield
Listing ID: 8048389


Experienced, refined escort seeking excitement! Alluring, sophisticated woman. Holds a Master's degree, enjoys dressing up and impressing those she spends time with. This is a part-time gig for me, as I also have a career in the fashion industry. I take good care of myself and always present myself well. I am eager to indulge in the intensity and pleasure of sex. It's not a task, but a true delight, so please keep in mind that I enjoy orgasming and stimulating myself. You're welcome to join in too! I can get quite wet and may need to change my panties. I have a passion for lingerie, stockings, and high heels. Did I hear you mention "fully-fashioned seams"? With my cherry lips and a touch of Chanel, I'll make you melt! Would you like to watch me pleasure myself with some toys? I can demonstrate exactly how I like to be pleased, so you can guide our journey if you'd like. I am open to seeing men of any ethnicity. All I ask is that you take pride in your appearance and maintain good personal hygiene. I appreciate being treated with respect and kindness. Please don't hurt me or mistreat me, and don't waste my time either! Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Xxxx

Escorts in Sutton Coldfield
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