Escorts in Worthing

Experience a Sensual/Tantric Massage with a Certified Masseuse in our city, with a mind-blowing conclusion! She is also exceptionally attractive! Contact her for same-day appointments by pho

Name: Tantra Elouise
Age: 52
City: Worthing
Listing ID: 7420387


------------------------- Experience a sensual and tantric style massage from a qualified masseuse, with an explosive finale! I also happen to be quite sexy. Please call me for same day appointments, but refrain from texting unless we have met before. I do not offer full service. You can find my number on my profile. I have added new pictures to my private gallery. Please read my profile thoroughly to understand what my service provides and what it does not. Then, you can call me to arrange a meeting. Please do not text me unless we have met before. Thank you for understanding that this is not a naturist massage. I wear a revealing outfit, but kissing is not involved. I am a sexy masseuse, not an escort. If we have not met before, I will not reply to text messages. Please call me first if you would like an appointment. If I cannot answer, leave a message and I will call you back. Please do not email for same day appointments, instead call me. I am a qualified masseuse (ITEC) who also happens to be quite sexy. I offer a sensual and tantric style massage that becomes increasingly erotic, culminating in an explosive finale. What do I offer? A tantric/sensuous massage service by a very sexy masseuse for discerning gents, ladies, and couples (m/f). The massage includes finishing with a lingam massage, which can be a very rewarding way to finish the massage. This is a sensuous, erotic, and arousing massage in a discreet place with candlelit ambiance and background music. I relax your muscles and tease and pamper you with my erotic strokes to awaken your senses and relax you on every level. I am a qualified masseuse, but this massage reaches parts that normal massages do not. Relax as my hands tease and massage your bottom, catching your testicles, thighs, nipples, etc. as I lean over you. You will catch sight of my breasts, heightening the eroticism, and this all leads up to the lingam massage. I shall ask you to spread your legs, with knees slightly apart, allowing me full access to your genitals. Using oil on the shaft of your lingam and testicles, I will begin to gently massage your testicles down to your anus and then up to the shaft of your lingam, taking time with varying strokes and pressure, up to the head of your lingam. If you are close to orgasm too soon, I will

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