From June 2nd to June 12th, there will be events focused on tantra and kink.

Age: 33
City: Carrick-on-Shannon
Listing ID: 4349788


Explore a journey of self-discovery, sensual adventure, and deep connection that unfolds in the present moment. Tantra massage aims to create a strong bond between the body, mind, and spirit, and seeks to awaken and channel sexual energy throughout the body for healing, relaxation, and spiritual growth. By utilizing ancient techniques combined with modern knowledge of the human body, it helps you tap into your own energy reserves, experience a greater sense of vitality, and overall well-being. Tantra massage offers a safe and nurturing environment that facilitates emotional healing and personal development. You also have the opportunity to explore the world of conscious kink, where the boundaries of pleasure, surrender, and exploration are expanded in a secure space where mindfulness and surrender coexist. Allow me to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, pleasure, and transformation. Enter a path where pleasure and present-moment awareness merge, and embrace the profound connection that awaits you. Tantric massage is a type of bodywork that combines traditional massage techniques, breathwork, and principles from tantra philosophy. The goal of tantric massage is to create a deeply relaxing and sensual experience while promoting spiritual and energetic connection. It is performed with a strong sense of mindfulness and presence. In tantric philosophy, it is believed that energy, often referred to as "prana" or "life ," flows through the body. Tantric massage aims to activate and harmonize this energy, allowing it to flow freely, using specific breath techniques and touches to awaken and circulate sexual energy throughout the body. Unlike traditional massage techniques that primarily focus on specific areas of the body, tantric massage considers the body as a whole. The entire body, including erogenous zones, is included in the massage to promote overall relaxation and pleasure. For more information, visit

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