Escorts in Donegal

Tantric Massage - Conscious Touch

Age: 34
City: Donegal
Location: North West, Donegal, Laghey
Location: Laghey
Listing ID: 2684853

---- THIS IS NOT AN ESCORT SERVICE ---- What if we could take the time to gift ourselves a moment of pure presence? If we could strip back a lifetime of conditioning and expectations? What would we see? Would we see ourselves as divine beings? Infinite, sovereign, loving and unconditionally lovable? Let’s leave your shoes and day to day life outside my temple door and find out. Through conscious breath, loving touch, ritual, and play. Each stroke honouring the being that you are. The touch can be soft and nurturing, invigorating and dynamic. You may feel deeply relaxed , or excited, or a delicious mixture of the two. There are many twists the path could take. It just starts with a first step. This is not an escort service. All touch is lavished only on you. This is your time To surrender To receive 90 mins minimum, two hours+ recommended In the first instance, please send a message of introduction- Who you are... What you are looking for.... And we can arrange a call PHxxxx-xxx-xxx

Escorts in Donegal

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