Escorts in Meath

Immune System building, Magic touch Tantric Massage

Age: 50
City: Meath
Location: East Coast and Midlands, Meath, Trim
Location: Trim
Listing ID: 1756232

****I am located 10 minutes from Trim and 6 minutes from Ballivor, in County Meath. This is my permanent address. I don't do outcalls.**** ***Tantric Massage, along with the acupressure drains the lymphatic system, actually boosting the immune system and reduces stress as well.*** I welcome you to come along for a Tantric Massage. Tantric Massage helps to unlock and expand your saxual energy, helping to improve your labido, stamina, and duration. Tantric Massage also helps with certain problems, such as primature ejeculation, erectule dysfunction, and saxual blockages. Through different breathing techniques, this therapeutic massage will bring you to new levels of pleasure and relaxation. I am still taking bookings, text messages are best, but I can answer calls. Prices starting from 200 euros, but more details when you make contact. I've been a Tantrika for the last 4-5 years and am Based between Trim and Ballivor. I have clients travel as far away as Carrick-on-Shannon, Limerick, even Cork. I'm 45 minutes from Dublin, 22 minutes from Navan, 35 minutes from Mulligar, 35 minutes from Maynooth and 10 minutes from Trim. If interested, Please Contact me oxxxx-xxx-xxx

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