Tag: Sexy Costumes

  • How Costumes Can Impact Client-Escort Dynamics

    How Costumes Can Impact Client-Escort Dynamics

    The world of escort services is a complex and multifaceted one, influenced by a wide range of factors including psychology, power dynamics, and emotional responses. One aspect that often receives little attention is the role of costumes in these interactions. From French maids to catwomen, escorts can use sexy costumes to significantly impact client expectations,…

  • How to Make The Most Money as an Escort

    How to Make The Most Money as an Escort

    Knowing how to make the most money as an Escort is extremely important and one that should be taken seriously and not overlooked. When you first start off as an escort or courtesan in the sex industry, you are quite often oblivious to the potential income you can yield as an Escort! Lots of Competition in the…